Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 8, 2011 Part Two

It has been a productive day. We had a Haiti Partners committee meeting and board meeting most of the day. Such great partners here running schools and programs. Their continued work WILL make a difference. They and I believe that education is the foundation for change in Haiti. Without it, it will continue as it has. Did you know that only 1% if Haitians graduate from high school as opposed to the 85+% in the US? I believe we can make a difference.

My travels this trip have taken me to different parts of Haiti that were less affected by the earthquake. It has given me a somewhat different perspective, although conditions are still dire. What I have noticed the most is that there is less pain in Haitians eyes. We keep hearing about "the new normal" in the U.S. post recession, but there is a very real "new normal" here in Haiti. I don't know if that's good, bad or nothing at all, but it is something to think about...

Oh, by the way, on a lighter note, I think I ate goat on this trip......I was trying to be polite, but in hindsight, that probably did not serve to my advantage :). Good news is that I am still here!

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